How to call Algeria from the USA & Canada:

011 - 213 - phone number

* Use also to TEXT Algerian numbers. ** 011213 and +213 often work interchangeably from cell phones.

..calling from another country?

Current time in Algeria:

Calling Algeria explained:

  • 011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada
  • 213 - Country Code for Algeria
  • Phone Number (remove initial 0):
    • fixed - 8 digits including area code
    • cell phones - 9 digits
    • VoIP and VSAT phones - 9 digits, first two digits are 98 and 96 respectively
  • example call from the United States or from Canada to a landline in Algiers: 011 213 21 ?? ?? ??

Cell phone numbers:

  • geographic area codes not needed to reach Algerian cell phones
  • dialing format valid for calls and text messages: 011 213 X?? ?? ?? ??
  • X can be: 5, 6 or 7

Area codes for Algerian departments (Wilayas):

Add to landline numbers only!
Adrar 49 El Bayadh 49 Ouargla 29
Ain Defla 27 El Oued 32 Oum El Bouaghi 32
Ain Temouchent 43 El Tarf 38 Relizane 46
Algiers 21 Ghardaia 29 Saida 48
Annaba 38 Guelma 37 Setif 36
Batna 33 Illizi 29 Sidi Bel Abbes 48
Bechar 49 Jijel 34 Skikda 38
Bejaia 34 Khenchela 32 Souk Ahras 37
Biskra 33 Laghouat 29 Tamenrasset 29
Blida 25 M'sila 35 Tebessa 37
Bordj Bou Arreridj 35 Mascara 45 Tiaret 46
Bouira 26 Medea 25 Tindouf 49
Boumerdes 24 Mila 31 Tipaza 24
Chlef 27 Mostaganem 45 Tissemsilt 46
Constantine 31 Naama 49 Tizi Ouzou 26
Djelfa 27 Oran 41 Tlemcen 43

Phone books and visitor guides: