How to call Canada from the USA:

1 - area code - local number

Using +1 xx... is another way to dial Canadian phone numbers from a mobile (more on the plus sign).

..calling from another country?

Current time in Ottawa, Canada:

Calling Canada explained:

  • 1 - North American long distance prefix
  • area code - 3 digit area codes
  • phone number - 7 digits
  • this country is in the North American Numbering Plan (calling it works like a US long distance call)...however, international charges may apply when calling Canadian numbers!

Area codes

Province Main cities Area code(s)
Alberta Banff, Calgary, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat 403, 587, 825, 368
Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Jasper, Peace River 780, 587, 825, 368
British Columbia Abbotsford, Richmond, Vancouver, Whistler 604, 778, 236, 672
Victoria 250, 778, 236, 672
Manitoba Winnipeg 204, 431, 584
New Brunswick Saint John, Moncton 506, 428
Newfoundland and Labrador St John's 709, 879
Northwest Territories Single code 867
Nova Scotia Single code 902
Nunavut Single code 867
Ontario Hamilton 905, 289, 365, 742
London, Windsor 519, 226, 548, 382
North Bay 705, 249, 683
Ottawa 613, 343, 753
Thunder Bay 807
Toronto 416, 647, 437
Prince Edward Island Single code 902
Quebec Quebec City 418, 581, 367
Laval 450, 579, 354
Montreal 514, 438, 263
Gatineau, Sherbrooke 819, 873, 468
Saskatchewan Regina, Saskatoon 306, 639, 474
Yukon Territory Single code 867
Wherever we have 2 or more area codes, they cover the same geographic area
Here is the official Canadian area code map

Phone books and visitor guides: