How to call Croatia from the US and Canada

011 - 385 - phone number

011385 and +385 often work interchangeably from cell phones (use also to text Croatian numbers).

..calling from another country?

Current time in Croatia:

Calling Croatia explained:

  • 011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada
  • 385 - Country Code for Croatia
  • phone number (remove initial 0):
    • fixed - 8 to 9 digits with area code
    • cell phones - 9 digits
  • example phone call when dialing to a landline in Zagreb: 011 385 1 ??? ????

Cell phone numbers:

  • geographic area codes not needed to reach Croatian cell phones
  • dialing format valid for calls and text messages: 011 385 9? ??? ????

Area codes:

Add to landline numbers only!
Bjelovar 43 Pazin 52 Solin 21
Cakovec 40 Petrinja 44 Split 21
Dakovo 31 Pozega 34 Varazdin 42
Dubrovnik 20 Pula 52 Velika Gorica 1
Gospic 53 Rijeka 51 Vinkovci 32
Karlovac 47 Samobor 1 Virovitica 33
Koprivnica 48 Sesvete 1 Vukovar 32
Krapina 49 Sibenik 22 Zadar 23
Metkovic 20 Sisak 44 Zagreb 1
Osijek 31 Slavonski Brod 35 Zapresic 1

Phone books and visitor guides:

  • T Portal - features Croatian Yellow Pages and Telephone Directory