How to call Palestine from the US and Canada

011 - 970 - phone number

011970 and +970 often work interchangeably from cell phones (use also to text Palestinian numbers).

..calling from another country?

Current time in Palestine:

Calling Palestine explained:

  • 011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada
  • 970 - Country Code for Palestine (Israel's country code 972 can also be used)
  • phone number (remove initial 0):
    • fixed - 8 digits, including area code
    • cell phones - 9 digits
  • example phone call when dialing to a landline in Bethlehem: 011 970 2 ??? ????

Cell phone numbers:

  • geographic area codes not needed to reach Palestinian cell phones
  • dialing format valid for calls and text messages: 011 970 5? ??? ????

Area codes:

Add to landline numbers only!
Abasan al-Kabera 8 Dura 2 Nablus 9
Al-Bireh 2 Es-Samu 2 Qabatiya 4
Al-Dhahiriya 2 Gaza City 8 Qalqilia 9
Al-Qarara 8 Halhul 2 Rafah 8
Bani Na'im 2 Hebron (al Khalil) 2 Ramallah 2
Bani Suheila 8 Idha 2 Sa'ir 2
Beit Hanoun 8 Jabalyah 8 Salfit 9
Beit Lahia 8 Jenin 4 Tubas 9
Beitunia 2 Jericho 2 Tulkarm 9
Bethlehem 2 Jerusalem (al-Quds) 2 Yatta 2
Deir al-Balah 8 Khan Younis 8

Phone books and visitor guides: