How to call Peru from the US and Canada

011 - 51 - phone number

01151 and +51 often work interchangeably from cell phones (use also to text Peruvian numbers).

..calling from another country?

Current time in Peru:

Calling Peru explained:

  • 011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada
  • 51 - Country Code for Peru
  • phone number (remove initial 0):
    • fixed - 8 digits, area code included
    • cell phones - 9 digits
  • example phone call when dialing to a landline in Lima: 011 51 1 ??? ????

Cell phone numbers:

  • geographic area codes not needed to reach Peruvian cell phones
  • dialing format valid for calls and text messages: 011 51 9?? ??? ???

Area codes:

Add to landline numbers only!
Abancay 83 Huanchaco 44 Pisco 56
Arequipa 54 Huanuco 62 Piura 73
Ayacucho 66 Huaral 1 Pucallpa 61
Cajamarca 76 Huaraz 43 Puno 51
Callao 1 Ica 56 Puerto Maldonado 82
Catacaos 73 Ilo 53 Sullana 73
Cerro de Pasco 63 Iquitos 65 Tacna 52
Chepen 44 Jaen 76 Talara 73
Chiclayo 74 Juliaca 51 Tarapoto 42
Chimbote 43 Lambayeque 74 Tarma 64
Chincha Alta 56 Lima 1 Tingo Maria 62
Cusco 84 Moquegua 53 Trujillo 44
Huacho 1 Moyobamba 42 Tumbes 72
Huancayo 64 Paita 73 Yurimaguas 65

Phone books and visitor guides:
