How to call Tanzania from the USA & Canada:

011 - 255 - phone number

* Use also to TEXT Tanzanian numbers. ** 011255 and +255 often work interchangeably from cell phones.

..calling from another country?

Current time in Tanzania:

Calling Tanzania explained:

  • 011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada
  • 255 - Country Code for Tanzania
  • Phone Number (remove initial 0) - 9 digits, area code included for fixed lines
  • example call from the United States or from Canada to a landline in Zanzibar: 011 255 24 ??? ????

Cell phone numbers:

  • geographic area codes not needed to reach Tanzanian cell phones
  • dialing format valid for calls and text messages: 011 255 7? ??? ???? (or 6? ??? ????)

Area codes:

Add to landline numbers only!
Arusha 27 Lindi 23 Ruvuma 25
Coast Region 23 Mara 28 Shinyanga 28
Dar es Salaam 22 Mbeya 25 Singida 26
Iringa 26 Morogoro 23 Tabora 26
Kagera 28 Mtwara 23 Tanga 27
Kigoma 28 Mwanza 28 Zanzibar 24
Kilimanjaro 27 Rukwa 25    

Phone books and visitor guides: