How to call Chile from the USA & Canada:

011 - 56 - phone number

* Use also to TEXT Chilean numbers. ** 01156 and +56 often work interchangeably from cell phones.

..calling from another country?

Current time in Chile:

Calling Chile explained:

  • 011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada
  • 56 - Country Code for Chile
  • Phone Number (remove initial 0) - 9 digits
  • example call from the United States or from Canada to a landline in Santiago: 011 56 2 ???? ????

Cell phone numbers:

  • geographic area codes not needed to reach Chilean cell phones
  • dialing format valid for calls and text messages: 011 56 9 ???? ????
  • *from Sept. 2016 Chile mobile numbers may begin with any digit from 2 to 9

Area codes:

Alto Hospicio 57 La Calera 33 San Antonio 35
Angol 45 La Serena 51 San Bernardo 2
Antofagasta 55 Linares 73 San Felipe 34
Arica 58 Los Andes 34 San Fernando 72
Calama 55 Los Angeles 43 San Pedro de la Paz 41
Chiguayante 41 Lota 41 Santiago 2
Chillan 42 Melipilla 2 Talca 71
Cohyaique 67 Osorno 64 Talcahuano 41
Colina 2 Ovalle 53 Temuco 45
Concepcion 41 Penaflor 2 Tome 41
Copiapo 52 Penco 41 Quillota 33
Coquimbo 51 Puente Alto 2 Valdivia 63
Coronel 41 Puerto Montt 65 Vallenar 51
Curico 75 Punta Arenas 61 Valparaiso 32
Hualpen 41 Quilpue 32 Villa Alemana 32
Iquique 57 Rancagua 72 Vina del Mar 32

Phone books and visitor guides:
